Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is definitely not a Nashville party

Everyone is getting sick and sadly, I'm falling into that as well. The seasonal hack cough is circulating and I find myself coughing/sneezing into my elbow more often than not. Thanks Miss Sharon for telling me to cough there. I'm sure I've saved people diseases by it.
I'm sitting in music theory right now. I hate this class. With a pretty high passion. I'm doing horrible and my teacher is difficult. Nice guy. Pretty funny. Probably shouldn't teach.
Going home this weekend for the state fair and to hang with the family. Nothing feels more like home than the State Fair of Virginia. It reeks class.
Partying more on the weekday than the weekend. Compensation or addiction? You decide.
I want rehearsals to really pick up. I'm tired of line-thrus and boring blocking i'm not apart of. Lets gooo Othellooooo.
Okay my teacher just put on an Irish Madrigal song. This is sick. I love this shit. Mann why does he make me want to like him so much?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm just people watching the other people watching me

I want to get my nose peirced. I think it would look cute. I'm going today with Laura to get her tattoo and I know I'm gonna walk in there and want a peircing or tattoo. Its bad for meee...

Unsettling feelings lately. Just have to re-evaluate things. Not sure what will come of it at all. I guess.. let the road lead me there?
Unfortunately, I'm about to literally walk down a road to a tattoo parlor. Bad idea, huh?

Things just need to be settled. I feel like thats all I write about. Settle things.. change things.. howbout I make up my gd mind.
Must call mom. Must study for human development. Must not get a nosering while i'm in a show. Must clean kitchen. Must take out trash. Must get organized and get my head straight.
I must I must.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hey baby babyyy

I am with the same group of people on the weekdays, weeknights, weekends and weekend nights.

And I have absolutely positively no problem with that at all.
In fact, I love it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Born by the weather and the wind

Things are things are things are things.
Things are going well. Everyone always asks about things. THINGS are just dandy.

Rehearsals picking up and i'm excited. I have auditions for Our Town on Friday and i'm oddly nervous.

I've been watching movies constantly. As much as I can. I cannot get enough of them.

I went to the study abroad office today and got incredibly excited about my possible expeditions to.. well anywhere.
Theres something for me over there. And I wont rest til I find out what it is.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Who is Keyser Soce?

In my field of study, I think it's necessary to watch movies. I currently have 30+ movies on my Netflix queue and I can't wait to watch them all. I got The Usual Suspects in right when I got to school and it was sitting on my desk and FINALLY on a lazy sunday when a cookout was cancelled, I put it in.

I forgot how in love with movies I am. I mean movies, yes, but really really good movies. I was BLOWN AWAY by the Departed and when I told my friends that they ALL said to watch this one and hell, I loved it. I didn't get into it at first and I was far too confused than I expected but then.. it picked up and I was starting to get angry at my roomates because I couldn't hear every word being said.

I loved it. I love movies. Even though I was alone, I loveddd it. I had no one to talk to or get excited with but, that's how I watched The Departed. I was confused (which I LOVE) and... its wonderful. Simply, genius.

Hmmm.. whats next? Big Fish. I've heard good things about it..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Quit it

Everything please stop being unsteady. Give me a pattern. Stability. Please.

There's this weird knot on my wrist that hurts. Hello hypochondriac self.

Its funny, yet again I say that I want things to be steady but I'm getting bored with my daily schedule. At least rehearsal starts next week. LINES LINES LINES.

"Tis not a year or two shows us a man
They are all but stomachs and we all but food.
They eat us hungerly and when they are full,
they belch us."