At school meeting someone new:
So..whats your major?
Oh thats so cool! So do you do shows here?
Yeah i've been in a bunch its really awesome.
Man, I've got mad stage fright. Props to you!
At home meeting someone new:
So..whats your major?
Oh wow... so are you into film or stage stuff?
Stage mostly.
So its off to New York I assume?
Yeah I mean.. thats the goal I guess. I haven't really figured it out.
New York is a tough place to live. Very expensive too.
Yeah.. so i've heard.
At school when people ask about boyfriend:
So you have a boyfriend?
Yeah! He's the same major as me!
Oh thats so cool! So you take the same classes and stuff?
Yeah its really nice to be able to study together.
Oh yeah I bet!
At home when people ask about boyfriend:
So you have a boyfriend?
Yeah! He's the same major as me and everything.
Oh so is he into film or stage stuff?
Mostly film. While I'm stage. Haha. We have to ahve some differences!
Ohh so he'll probably go to LA?
Uhh yeah I think thats where he wants to go.
And you in New York? far thats the plan.
Hmm.. how you planning on doing that?
Like NO exaggeration at all. When i'm at home. I'm a grown up. Looking at two short years left of schooling and all of my future is staring me in the eye. Forget football season. School shows. Exams. And partying 3 nights a week. Its on to the serious stuff. And I hate it. Its making me scared. Nervous. Reluctant. Questioning my choices. Rushing things that don't need to be rushed. I think thats another reason hwy I can'tw ait to be back. I can just be a carefree college student who stays up too late, drinks too much, and is completly oblivious to the inevitable future that I'll someday have to face. But for now..drink up.