But... all this new change is freaking me out. I mean.. I do love change.. but as long as I have stability.. thats how i've always been.
Things that have changed:
I am not a freshman anymore. Bittersweet.. but for now.. bitter.
PAB does not exist anymore. Henderson is the NEW PAB and its big and clean and..weird
My old phone broke so I got a new snazzy keyboardy phone. Not a big deal for most. HUGE deal for me.
Things with him are new and odd. He's making friends. I'm keeping the old. Just new territory.
I am NO longer in a dorm. I walked towards my dorm the other day to go to a building near it..and it felt so right and familiar. I got teary-eyed. I love my apartment I really really do. But its so much to get used to.
What is the same? What can I depend on? Not D2 dinners.. its too far. Not the PAB lounge.. it doesn't exist. What? Tell me what!